Monday, 4 April 2011

Loads has happened!

Monday afternoons normally get me down so I have decided to catch you up on the weekends events now to give myself a boost. I told you I was completely and utterly selfish!

So since we last caught up I have had been out a couple of times with a certain person but I have promised him I will try not to blog or tweet about him. But its safe to say I like him and fairly sure the feeling is not mutual which is completely fine as he is a lovely guy and I hope at very least we can be friends. So thats that bit done and dusted in a couple of sentences and not my normal waffle.

The biggest thing that has happened to me in the last 72 hours was "Gym-Free", I want to rave and rave about it and tell you how amazing it was and what I learnt but I think it is something you need to discover for yourself. I can tell you, but until you go and meet Stu and Mark then you will never truely get it and I would hate to take something as amazing as that away from you. Saying that!!!! However much I loved the day with "War-ter" and The Scottish one, the best thing about "Gym-Free" were the other ladies there. The Support, the love, the acceptance, the energy! How can 6 people who I have never met before but only ever communicated in a matter of 140 characters be able to make me admit something I have never before been able to, not even to myself.  I came away feeling "empowered" and like I had the ability to take control over my life again.

Unfortunately this feeling slowly disappeared on Sunday due to a couple of silly texts, which led to overeating on chocolate and then tears, before I went to be I went onto Twitter and read about #operationred and #operationvinetta/deadgirl! My heart was pumping. Bex had said she was going to do something and she had taken the first step. This morning I woke up though, and ok I didn't feel amazing or like everything had fallen into place but my face was dry. I got up, I went for a shockingly small swim, then a run, then I hit the gym! I went in, 5 min walk on the treadmill mainly to prepare myself, then I walked over the weights corner and I started to workout. Nothing amazing, actually probably less than I would normally do, but I was in that area of the gym!! Now let me be honest the "One-Set Wonderers" weren't there but Skinny, tanned toned Goddess was. It was my first step! I know tonight when I go I won't go in the same area (mainly cause tonight is Cardio and stretches!) but I know I can! I know one day I will get the same comment the lovely Becca got:


"you're strong... Like in general.. Not for a chick..." .... Ummm thanks?!? Haha


  1. Awww! lol We ALL start somewhere, trust me. If you go into the weight room and just OWN IT, whether you've got 5 or 50lb dumbbells in hand no one will bother you!

  2. Babe i loved reading...well do you x
    Today i actually went to the kettlebell section and owned it!!!
    Me the one who kept getting bad backs from the wrong technique!! NOT NO MORE!! No sireee not since iv been to #gymfree
    Keep the blogs coming gawjuss xx
