Monday, 4 April 2011

Ultimate Gym-Free Workshop Birmingham April 2011

Loads has happened!

Monday afternoons normally get me down so I have decided to catch you up on the weekends events now to give myself a boost. I told you I was completely and utterly selfish!

So since we last caught up I have had been out a couple of times with a certain person but I have promised him I will try not to blog or tweet about him. But its safe to say I like him and fairly sure the feeling is not mutual which is completely fine as he is a lovely guy and I hope at very least we can be friends. So thats that bit done and dusted in a couple of sentences and not my normal waffle.

The biggest thing that has happened to me in the last 72 hours was "Gym-Free", I want to rave and rave about it and tell you how amazing it was and what I learnt but I think it is something you need to discover for yourself. I can tell you, but until you go and meet Stu and Mark then you will never truely get it and I would hate to take something as amazing as that away from you. Saying that!!!! However much I loved the day with "War-ter" and The Scottish one, the best thing about "Gym-Free" were the other ladies there. The Support, the love, the acceptance, the energy! How can 6 people who I have never met before but only ever communicated in a matter of 140 characters be able to make me admit something I have never before been able to, not even to myself.  I came away feeling "empowered" and like I had the ability to take control over my life again.

Unfortunately this feeling slowly disappeared on Sunday due to a couple of silly texts, which led to overeating on chocolate and then tears, before I went to be I went onto Twitter and read about #operationred and #operationvinetta/deadgirl! My heart was pumping. Bex had said she was going to do something and she had taken the first step. This morning I woke up though, and ok I didn't feel amazing or like everything had fallen into place but my face was dry. I got up, I went for a shockingly small swim, then a run, then I hit the gym! I went in, 5 min walk on the treadmill mainly to prepare myself, then I walked over the weights corner and I started to workout. Nothing amazing, actually probably less than I would normally do, but I was in that area of the gym!! Now let me be honest the "One-Set Wonderers" weren't there but Skinny, tanned toned Goddess was. It was my first step! I know tonight when I go I won't go in the same area (mainly cause tonight is Cardio and stretches!) but I know I can! I know one day I will get the same comment the lovely Becca got:


"you're strong... Like in general.. Not for a chick..." .... Ummm thanks?!? Haha